S’mae ffrindiau!

Ces i lot o hwyl efo’r grwp siarad y bore ‘ma. Wnaethon ni sgwrsio am goginio a bwyd heddiw.
I had a lot of fun with the group this morning. We spoke about cooking and food today. 

Download our conversation starters and share them with other learners you know. Why not share your answers in the fforwm? Siarad am goginio - Talking about cooking

Wyt ti isio ymuno â ni tro nesa? Gad i mi wybod trwy’r safle neu ar Twitter.
Do you want to join us next time? Let me know through the website or on Twitter.

Dysgu Cymraeg can feel like a huge mountain to climb, but I know many folks who’ve done it successfully by going to night classes, residentials and by learning online. Some have been so successful that they’ve got themselves jobs in Wales, taken exams and even been on radio and TV speaking Cymraeg!

The trick is to practise little and often and not get overwhelmed. To help you with that, I’ve started producing a downloadable bookmark with a selection of words for you to practise each week. Keep the bookmark with you and take every opportunity you can to try using the words throughout the week.

You can download PDF versions by going to the Learn Welsh Downloads section on the resources page or download the first set of verbs here: Berfau 1 - bookmark

Need some help with pronunciation? There’s a download for that too! Pronunciation Guide - Beginners

Hwyl am y tro!

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S'mae pawb! Elin dw i a dw i'n gweithio fel tiwtor Cymraeg ar-lein a gyda Cylch Dysgwyr Cymraeg. Wnes i greu Tyfu Cymraeg i helpu dysgwyr a thiwtoriaid. Croeso!

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