Dych chi’n hoffi darllen llyfrau yn Gymraeg? Do you like to read books in Welsh?
This set of Clwb Darllen printables will help you get the most from your reading and help you improve your Welsh at the same time.
- Adolygiad Llyfr Book review
- Rhestr Lyfrau Book list
- Crynodeb Summary
- Fy Hoff Lyfrau Favourite Books
- Trafod Discuss
- Geirfa & Phatrymau Vocabulary & Patterns
Print these pages to help you get the most from your time reading yn Gymraeg then join the Tyfu Cymraeg Clwb Darllen at
When you purchase this item you will receive a downloadable PDF file which you can print as many times as you need. Pages are A4 in size.
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