S’mae ffrindiau!
Gobeithio bod chi i gyd yn teimlo’n dda. Sut mae’r dysgu yn mynd?
Roedd hi’n hyfryd gweld cymaint ohonoch chi yn y gweithdy bore Sadwrn, a diolch yn fawr i’r rhai sy wedi prynu coffi i mi!
I have been busy working on something new for Tyfu Cymraeg over the last few days and am pleased to share with you a little quiz to get your brains working. Click to try out the Past Tense quiz and let me know how you get on. You can share your results on social media too by following the links at the end.
There’ll be lots more quizzes for all levels coming in the next few weeks. Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover and I’ll do my best to create something! Do of course let me know of any glitches or mistakes too as they sometimes slip through the net.
Pob lwc!
Ges I ugain allan o ugain! Dylwn i fod yn athro Cymraeg fel Elin!!!!