S’mae pawb, a Pasg Hapus!
Pa air wyt ti’n defnyddio? Which word do you use?
Llaeth? Llefrith?
Cacen? Teisen?
Merch? Geneth?
Pres? Arian?
Just as in Saesneg, there are lots of times when you have a choice of which word to use. Sometimes people in particular areas of the country use one word and in a different area they’ll use an alternative. People sometimes use one word or another because of the generation they belong to. The thing to remember is that both are correct!
So how do you choose which one to use?
To start with, pick one and stick with it! You might choose the word that you’ve heard in the area of Wales where you live or visit. You could choose one because it is easier to say. It could be that you choose the first word that you’ve come across to mean milk or cake, for example.
The thing is that neither word is right or wrong and neither is more or less authentic than the other. In time you’ll have a whole stack of vocabulary that you can use creatively.
There’s a brand new quiz for you if you’ve been learning for just a short while, testing you on things you might have come across in your early lessons. It’s great for those of you who want to revise the basics too.
You can access all quizzes via the Quizzes page and though there are only a few at the moment, keep checking back because I’ll be adding new ones whenever I can. If you lose the page, check under the Members tab and click Resources and Activities.
Hwyl am y tro, pawb!
Llefrith. Always used it. What about ‘allwedd’ (de) ‘goriad’ (gogledd)??