Created on By User AvatarElin

Practise the past tense - Easy Quiz

Practise your past tense skills with this easy quiz!

1 / 20

Turn the sentence into the negative:

Gweloch chi'r coleg.

2 / 20

Choose the correct answer to the question:

Ble aeth Bethan bore ddoe?

3 / 20

Turn the sentence into a question:

Bwytoch chi swper.

4 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

She had vegetables 

5 / 20

Choose the correct answer to the question:

Beth gest ti neithiwr?

6 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

We drank red wine on Saturday

7 / 20

Turn the negative statement into a positive statement:

Ddes i ddim i'r parti dydd Llun

8 / 20

Choose the correct question for this answer

Aeth hi i Gaerdydd

9 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

He bought a car

10 / 20

Choose the correct answer

Ble est ti ddoe?

11 / 20

Choose the correct translation

Yfais i goffi yn y caffi

12 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

You met in the pub

13 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

He heard the story on the radio.

14 / 20

Pick the correct translation of the following:

Chwaraeodd y plant hoci yn y parc.

15 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

You did the homework.

16 / 20

Which two answers both mean:

I made the lunch

17 / 20

Turn the statement into the negative:

Golchoch chi'r llestri

18 / 20

Choose the correct translation:

You slept last night.

19 / 20

Turn the statement into a question:

Darllenoch chi'r llyfr.

20 / 20

Choose the correct answer to the question:

Aethoch chi i'r dafarn?

Your score is

The average score is 82%

