When learning Welsh, we always want to do what we can to feel as though we’re talking like a native speaker. One of the ways we can do that is by using colourful or amusing idioms and phrases through our language. Why not pick one of these sayings and find a way to include it in an e-bost or other neges this week?
Priod-ddull/Idiom | Cyfieithiad/Translation | Ystyr/Meaning |
Mae e’n a’i wynt yn ei ddwrn | He has the wind in his fist | He’s out of breath/in a hurry |
Mae hi’n bwrw hen wragedd a ffyn / cyllyll a ffyrc. | It’s raining old women and sticks/knives and forks | It’s raining cats and dogs/It’s raining very heavily |
Mae Twm yn dipyn o aderyn. | Twm is a bit of a bird | Twm is a bit of a lad |
Dw i’n deffro yn y bore bach. | I wake in the little morning | I wake in the small hours/Very early |
Paid cynnu tân ar hen aelwyd. | Don’t light a fire on old ashes | Don’t rekindle an old flame/Restart an old relationship |
Mae hi’n siarad fel melin bupur. | She speaks like a pepper mill | She talks non-stop |
Mae Dewi yn rhydiau’r afon. | Dewi is in the fords of the river | Dewi is on his death bed |
Mae e’n mynd i dynnu blewyn o’i drwyn. | He is going to pull a hair from his nose. | He’s going to do something unpleasant to him. |
Dw i’n rhoi’r ffidil yn y to | I’m putting the fiddle in the roof | I’m giving up |
Roedd hi’n freuddwyd gwrach wrth ei hewyllys. | It was a witch’s dream according to her will | It was wishful thinking |
Paid â chodi pais ar ôl piso. | Don’t lift a petticoat after pissing | Don’t shut the stable door after the horse has bolted./Don’t cry over spilt milk. |
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Hwyl am y tro!