S’mae ffrindiau!

Dyn ni’n hanner ffordd trwy wythnos yr Eisteddfod sy’n tipyn bach yn wahanol eleni. Mae Eisteddfod AmGen yn digwydd ar lein gyda rhaglenni ar YouTube ac ar S4C. Os ti am ffeindio beth sy’n digwydd yn arbennig i ddysgwyr, dyma amserlen gyda mwy o wybodaeth. Cliciwch yma i fynd i safle yr Eisteddfod.

We’re half way through Eisteddfod week which is a little bit different this year. Eisteddfod AmGen (Alternative) is happening online with programmes on YouTube and on S4C. If you want to find out what’s happening specially for learners, here’s a timetable with more information. Click here to go to the Eisteddfod website.



Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl am y dre yn ddiweddar – fy nhre i, yn swydd Derby, a drefi dros y wlad. Mae ein drefi ni’n edrych yn wahanol dyddiau ‘ma, gyda siopau ar gau, ciwiau ac yr angen i wisgo mwgwd cyn mynd i mewn. Dych chi wedi mynd yn eich hoff caffi eto? Beth am y gapel neu’r swyddfa bost? Dw i’n gwneud lot o bethau arlein y dyddiau ‘ma ond dw i’n edrych ymlaen at fynd yn ôl i’r stryd fawr cyn hir.

I have been thinking about the town recently – my town, in Derbyshire, and towns across the country. Our towns are looking different these days, with shops closed, queues and the need to wear a mask before going in. Have you been to your favourite cafe yet? What abou the chapel or the post office? I am doing lots of things online these days, but I’m looking forward to going back to the high street before too long. 

Share your thoughts on the town or the high street, or about the Eisteddfod on the fforwm or on social media using the hashtag #dysgucymraeg so others can find you. Don’t forget to tag @TCymraeg on Twitter or @TyfuCymraeg on Instagram!

Download this week’s vocabulary bookmark here with things you might see around y dre. Y dre - Bookmark Check out the resources page here to see other things to download.

Remember you can book in for your own private lesson or join us for a workshop. Get in touch or sign up to the newsletter to find out more!

If the free resources on Tyfu Cymraeg are helping you with dysgu, I’d love it if you bought me a coffee!


Hwyl am y tro!


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S'mae pawb! Elin dw i a dw i'n gweithio fel tiwtor Cymraeg ar-lein a gyda Cylch Dysgwyr Cymraeg. Wnes i greu Tyfu Cymraeg i helpu dysgwyr a thiwtoriaid. Croeso!

2 Thoughts on “Y dre”

    • Mae Belper yn dawel ar hyn o bryd hefyd! Blwyddyn nesa bydd popeth yn ol i normal, gobeithio. Dw i’n methu’r gwyl bwyd, gwyl ‘gwyrdd’, gwyl celf…popeth!

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