Shwmae ffrindiau!
Mae Jonathan a’r criw wedi creu rhifyn nesa Llais Y Derwent, papur bro canolbarth Lloegr. Lawrlwythwch gopi ar dudalen Llais Y Derwent a gwelwch hen gopiau hefyd.
Jonathan and the crew have created a new issue of Llais Y Derwent, the papur bro for the English Midlands. Download a copy on the Llais Y Derwent page to see other issues.
Wyt ti wedi cwrdd â Geordan? Mae Geordan yn dod o Ohio yn America ac mae hi wedi dysgu Cymraeg! Dyma fideo ohoni yn siarad am ei thaith hi o gwmpas Cymru y llynedd. Mae Geordan ar Twitter hefyd.
Have you met Geordan? Geordan comes from Ohio in America and she’s learned Welsh! Here’s a video of her speaking about her trip around Wales last year. Geordan’s on Twitter too.
Don’t forget there’s a workshop this Saturday. Drop me a note if you’d like to join in, or remember you can book a private Welsh session too!
Hwyl am y tro!