S’mae ffrindiau,

Sut dych chi heddiw? Mae’r tywydd yn ddiflas yma yn anffodus, felly dw i ddim yn gallu garddio. Dw i’n mynd i ddarllen tipyn bach yn ei le, dw i’n meddwl. Sut mae’r tywydd gyda chi heddiw? Beth wyt ti’n wneud p’nawn ma? Gadewch i mi wybod yn y fforwm 🙂

I’ve created another bookmark to help you with your vocab this weekend. Days of the week and months of the year are nice, easy lists to learn so why not make a plan to have them memorised? You could even stick Welsh labels over the English months on your calendar or diary so that you get a bit of extra practice every time you look at it.

Download the bookmark here: Days and Months Bookmark  Or head over to the resources area to find more things to help you with your Welsh and previous bookmarks.

Maybe you fancy ditching the English calendar and diary altogether? If so, the Welsh publishers Lolfa do their own selection of dyddiaduron Cymraeg.


Hwyl am y tro, pawb, a mwynhewch y penwythnos.




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S'mae pawb! Elin dw i a dw i'n gweithio fel tiwtor Cymraeg ar-lein a gyda Cylch Dysgwyr Cymraeg. Wnes i greu Tyfu Cymraeg i helpu dysgwyr a thiwtoriaid. Croeso!

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